Monday, January 25, 2010

Wilton Heart Cookie Pan Review: Heartwarming or Heartbreaking Results?

Making cookies-on-a-stick at home is an affordable alternative to buying cookie bouquets. The Wilton heart cookie pan makes it easy to bake a bouquet of cookie pops, but there are some important considerations.

Although I have had the heart cookie pans for a couple of years or so, I forgot the instructions because I had not used the pan in a while. (The instructions are not difficult, but they are not second-nature for me.) After overfilling the pan and bumping two of the cookies with a pot holder, I remembered the lessons learned from previous batches.

Overall, the cookies were beautiful and tasty. Get all the details and decorating ideas by reading the full product review on

I am not sure who is currently selling these pans locally, but Hobby Lobby, Joann's and Michael's may have them. Wilton also sells them online. Here is a link to purchase the heart cookie pan from They have a 4-for-3 promotion where certain home products are on sale.

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